Wow, hello family.
Things are going great here. Just loving the work. Loving being a missionary. How could you not love it??? You get to wake up and serve the Lord. Serve the people in this area and bring them closer to Christ. What more important work is there??? I cant think of any. So its just great.
So this week was pretty good actually. We had more meetings we had to go to and now this Wednesday we have zone training and Interviews with President Walker. I'm looking forward to them this time. This might be our last interview with president. He goes home in July so we will be getting a new mission president soon. That will be weird. But cool I guess. I just love President Walker, but then we got some new guy coming in. Its like getting a new boss at work when you were used to the rules and policies of your old boss or manager. It will just be a little different. Buts its OK, life is different so we have to keep things spicy every now and then.
So this week, the assistants came down and stayed the night with us. That was fun. They seem like they have to play the bad guy role when they take the reports and numbers, but they really are nice guys. Fun to be around too. They are just normal guys like us but with more responsibility. Its refreshing to see them happy and laugh. It reminds me that we are all children of God, no matter what our call in life or our responsibilities. Its just amazing when you can relate everything back to the gospel of Jesus Christ and how simple it truly is.
Also, we should be having a baptism this Saturday. Ashley Brooks, the Poke'fanatic! She has really come a long way. Her main desire is to be able to be sealed to her mother and future family on day. That is her driving force behind her being baptized. We set it up for Saturday at 2 o'clock. I'm really looking forward to that. It has been a long time since we have started teaching her. It has been a long journey. But totally worth it.
Well family, i love you all so much. Mom, again, i will have this be my public announcement, Happy Birthday. I love you so much. I cant wait to talk to you again for mothers day. About 5 weeks more. I love you.
Elder Pierce
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