Hey family, how is it all going for you? It has been going great for me!
My thumb is doing alot better, I hurt it again when we were playing football, but its still fine.
-We had interviews this past week. IT was combined with a zone training where me and Elder Clark had to give an hour long training on how to be better missionaries and how we can get our investigators to church more effectively. I felt it really went well. We were able to teach them quite a bit involving our investigators. The interview went really well. Me and elder clark got interviewed together first where we went over with president walker how the zone is doing and potential leadership this next transfer. It was actually a very fun interview. Being a zone leader, I have been able to see the personal side of president Walker more and more. It has been a very fun experience thus far. I am really looking forward to working closer to president Walker. Im very disappointed that he wont be my mission president the whole two years.
It was a pretty cool time on Friday as well. We have what is called weekly planning, where we plan for the upcoming week with what we are going to do for our investigators. well this week, while we were planning...we BBQ'ed. It was way tight. We went to what is called the food bank, and helped them set up and get ready for the day. Well, they decided to pay us in food! Awesome, we we cooked up some steaks, chicken, pork and roast. It was TIGHT! So that was alot of fun.
We are still having good experiences with the members here. The referrals are starting to pour into the system. That is what we really need in this area. We cant really tract and we have a hard time contacting on campus because all the kids have their stupid headphones in!! its so frustrating!!! i cant stand it. So contacting on campus have become a little sketchy.
Guess who i saw today! Adriana!!! It was so tight. She was telling me all about the area and elder miller. Now im not going to talk crap or anything but im nervous. And Adriana says she reads my blogs so she will be reading this as well! Adriana you rock!!! Stay awesome!
Anyways. This week, we have a leadership meeting in Pima. The Ap's said that there is going to be a "special guest". So im sure I will have something awesome to report on this next week. Transfers are coming up again...seriously??? It has gone by so fast! Its ridiculous!
But anyways, I love you all so much. Thank you fo all the support you have shown me, 10 months down officially today.
Love, Elder Pierce
Elder Pierce!!!! You're so awesome!!! I think it's because you're a missionary and you have such beautiful red hair!! Like someone else we know who has red hair, yeah she's awesome too! ;) I am so glad you are here in the land of Thatcher with all of us! How is Elder Clark doing? Well stay awesome!! P.S. You are awesome also because you have this song and it is awesome!(Come Thou Fount)